Sunday, 10 March 2013

Blessing day

This mothering sunday I shared my day with my daughter in celebrating her birth with a blessing.

Allthough the day started with a flurry of snow, the sun eventually broke through the clouds, the service was short but sweet with our closest family and friends around us. I recieved a lovely bunch of daffodils and tulips from the church too which was very nice :)

we then moved on to our rented hall for some food and drinks, much of which was made by myself or my mother. The cake was made by a friend of my mam

I need to upload a picture of Evie's gown later on as didn't get one before hand and not many pictures of her could you see the full view.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Organza flower tutorial

I have been ever so busy these last few weeks getting ready for E's blessing but i've managed to get a tutorial together for you for this little beauty.

your first step is to cut out some cirluar shapes from your organza. they dont have to be neat or symetrical,
I used 3 larger shapes and 2 smaller.
now VERY carefully, hold the circles over a flame, dont let it touch the material though we don't want any fires. the heat should crinkle up the edges
like this^^ lovely eh?
so arange your shapes and either use a hot glue gun or sew them together in the middle
get some pretty beads and sew them sercurely in the middle of your flower.
 and there you have it! you could use these for all sorts, hair bands, a corsage, put it on a bag, or attach a brooch back and put it on a shrug/cardigan to dress it up for a special occasions

If anyone has a go i would love to see your finished projects and I can showcase them all. please send an image to
